The return to in-person is in sight

Go LIVE Together
"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

~ Benjamin Franklin

Hello Supporters,

Our collective energy and persistence are beginning to yield success and plans for business events are taking shape. Freeman CEO and Exhibitions and Conferences Alliance (ECA) Treasurer/Secretary Bob Priest-Heck recently shared his optimism about our industry’s recovery with Reuters, citing data from a recent Freeman study in which 78% of attendees and exhibitors said they plan to attend in-person events in the fall—that’s up from 60% in a survey conducted just a month earlier, and about equal with a normal year.

That optimism is felt across the industry, as dates for future events are set and we start to think about logistics once again. Whether we’re planning events for the near or not-so-near future, tools like this meetings and events checklist from the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) and Go LIVE Together and the All Secure Guidelines will be especially useful and help ensure that safety is always top of mind.

Reopening Together
There’s still a lot of work ahead of us, but it is encouraging to see that several key cities and states have begun making plans to reopen business events, including:

  • Chicago: Current plans anticipate a mid-July reopening with the Chicago Auto Show
  • Pennsylvania: Indoor event capacities increasing to 25% effective April 4
  • Las Vegas: Capacity increased to 50% for large gatherings, including conventions and trade shows
  • Maryland: Indoor venue capacities (including conferences) have expanded to 50%

This exciting news fuels our determination to reopen business events safely across the country. To this end, members of the ECA and our community have been meeting with legislators to tell their personal stories, in support of the Hospitality and Commerce Jobs Recovery Act. This week, the House passed an extension of the Paycheck Protection Program through May 31. While this is not specifically directed at our industry, the bipartisan bill gives small businesses another two months to seek tens of billions of dollars that they were previously at risk of missing out on—an opportunity which is vital to many small businesses and nonprofits in our industry.

We have also continued to press the need for support through media opportunities, like ECA Vice President of Government Affairs Tommy Goodwin’s recent appearance on the Don and Mike Show. By amplifying our message, we can capitalize on the progress being made toward the return to live, and kickstart our industry’s recovery. I hope that you will take a moment to enjoy these positive signs and keep fighting the good fight with us.

Stay safe and stay strong,
Sue Sung Go LIVE Together

Go LIVE Together is an Exhibitions & Conferences Alliance Campaign.

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