Report 3 on attendee acquisition trends driving growth is now available

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Today CEIR released the third and final report in the Attendee Acquisition Series Driving Growth Study. Report Three: Areas of Focus for Improvement for Future Attendee Acquisition Efforts examines differences among demographics and industry sectors to reveal which tactics resonate strongest with each. As a result, new activities are emerging as rising stars in near-future marketing approaches. Among them are ways to sharpen data analytics.

Why should you read this report?

Report Three looks forward, identifying areas B2B exhibition marketers will focus on for improvement as well as new activities they plan to undertake to maximize the outcome of attendee acquisition efforts for future editions of their events and offers critical insights and solutions for today’s B2B event marketer.

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“The majority of B2B events are still in recovery, so event marketers are focused on rebuilding their attendee base and may feel overwhelmed with so many to do’s looking forward,” says CEIR Vice President of Research Nancy Drapeau, IPC. “This report helps prioritize which efforts to consider taking on to grow attendance moving forward.”

Read more insights about this report in a new article posted on the CEIR blog here.

This series is available at no charge to CEIR subscribers and IAEE members.

Download/Purchase Report Three

About the Series

The Attendee Acquisition Trends Driving Growth study is a comprehensive overview of strategies and approaches used by B2B exhibition attendee marketers today to achieve their goals in this time of recovery.

It is global in scope. It includes benchmarks and insights related to: factors considered for marketing planning; performance metrics; marketing messaging; marketing channel tactics; discounts and premiums; use of marketing automation and dashboards; out-of-pocket costs; revenues generated by attendee fees and more.

  • Report One: Planning, Performance Metrics, Costs, Gross Revenues details the building blocks used by marketers that are most successful in helping rebuild their attendance volume in these transitional times. $49 USD for non-subscribers/non-members.
  • Report Two: Marketing Channel Mix, Messaging and Other Tactics that Drive Recovery details activities for B2B exhibitions held and planned from 2020 through 2023. This report identifies messaging, marketing channel mix, discounts and premiums used by these events rated effective in generating registrants at events held from 2020 through 2022. $49 USD for non-subscribers/non-members.
  • Report Three: Areas of Focus for Improvement for Future Attendee Acquisition Efforts is available for $29 USD for non-subscribers/non-members.

More Information on This Report Series

Don’t Miss the Upcoming Webinar!

Insights and Practical Tips for Attendee Acquisition Campaign Success

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CEIR’s Nancy Drapeau and Paige Cardwell, president of CSG Creative, a division of NTP, with present key findings from CEIR’s latest research on messaging, marketing channel mix and other initiatives found to most effective in driving registration.

A $25 USD registration fee goes toward supporting CEIR research.

Register for the 18 May Webinar