IACC Covid-19 Venue Re-opening Resources

IACC Covid-19 Venue Re-opening Resources

Over the coming weeks and months IACC member venues will begin the re-opening (or in the case of Sweden who remain open, returning to higher group demand) of their venues for meetings, training, conferences and events. There will be a great deal of activity in the marketplace, as venues, groups and other industry bodies develop procedures and then update procedures, as the meetings landscape becomes clearer. IACC will use this page to share by date order, documents and industry published information, for IACC member venues to consider when developing their own re-opening strategies.

IACC Guides

IACC has compiled three informational guides, from a number of industry and venue sources. These list possible approaches to operating procedures for both a restricted no-contact service environment and also a restricted contact service environment. These guides offer up various approaches venues can consider and are not created to be taken up as detailed, in full. Each venue MUST liaise and respect their governmental and health department guidelines, when setting their operating procedures.

Download IACC’s Guide to Operations and Re-opening

Download IACC’s Guide to Employee and Guest Health

Download IACC’s Guide to Entry Screening and Case Reporting
