EMB and You – A Message to Capitol Hill

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IAEE and the Exhibitions Mean Business coalition have joined over 225 partner organizations representing millions of U.S. employers to form the COVID RELIEF NOW Coalition and deliver a stark call for relief from Washington that Congress and the administration must reach a bipartisan agreement on relief legislation, and the exhibitions industry cannot wait a single moment longer. Our message is simple: No relief, no recess.

As you all know better than anyone, the exhibitions and events industry has suffered incredible losses in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. On top of this, the relief provided by the CARES Act has not been sufficient to keep our ecosystem afloat, and those that were able to access relief in the spring are still in dire need of support.

There are several ways for you to help our efforts. The Coalition has released a toolkit with resources including an action alert , social media guide , sample talking points and fact sheet .

With the election less than one month away, we cannot urge you enough to get out and VOTE! Now more than ever, it is important as an industry to have your voice heard at the ballot box.

Whether you live in or conduct business in a state, send your message directly to the office of your U.S. Representative and Senators. We ask that you email directly to your Members of Congress staff contacts. This list provides you with staff names, phone numbers and email addresses. (Please note: this excel file of personally identifiable information was legally obtained and complies with privacy data laws). You may ask, why is this step so important? Because you will then be in direct contact with staff members that have responsibility for these issues. You will be more effective in using this approach.

Unsure of who to contact in the list above? Visit whoismyrepresentative.com

Thank you for all your support and engagement.

The EMB Team