COVID-19 Tracking the Impact on the Entertainment Landscape: Release 2

COVID-19 Tracking the Impact on the Entertainment Landscape: Release 2

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As society settles into the new rhythms of life at home, we are starting to see the long-term effects of the coronavirus pandemic on economies, industries and day-to-day lifestyles around the globe. How are consumer attitudes and behaviors changing when it comes to music and entertainment? Billboard and Nielsen Music (an MRC Data service) have teamed up to create a study monitoring these shifts in behaviors and attitudes over time.

In Release 1, we saw the barriers between home life and work life blurring with slightly over one-third of the U.S. population working from home, a rate that is roughly double what it was before the pandemic. People reported spending 60% more time with music and other forms of remotely accessed entertainment, and almost one-quarter of the population has added new subscription services.

Today, we launched Release 2, and we are starting to see some interesting trends emerge when it comes to what kinds of music people are listening to, how much they’re willing to pay to attend virtual concerts and when they might be ready to brave a real one again. Below is a link to the second release in this series.