Intergovernmental Affairs
Please see the advisory below, and attached fact sheet, from our partners in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding the Defense Production Act.
April 14, 2020
FEMA Advisory
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Applying the Defense Production Act
The scarcity of medical resources in the fight against COVID-19 is a global issue. The United States is competing for the same resources as many other countries. To maximize the availability of critical protective and lifesaving resources to front line health care workers, FEMA and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are executing a four-pronged approach to rapidly increase supply today and expand domestic production of medical supplies and equipment to increase supply long-term. The approach includes Preservation, Acceleration, Expansion and Allocation.
The Defense Production Act (DPA) provides authorities that are being applied to support Acceleration and Expansion efforts. Priority rated DPA orders do not create a situation of “outbidding;” rather, it puts the federal government requirement to the “front of the line” for fulfillment ahead of other orders.
As we process orders through the supply chain, we are maintaining close coordination with governors to identify potential bidding conflicts. We look to the Nation’s governors and tribal leaders to make us aware of specific information regarding apparent bidding conflict. If a bidding conflict does arise, we work closely with the state or tribe to resolve it in a way that best serves their needs.
For more information on how the Defense Production Act authorities are helping during the COVID-19 response, please review the attached fact sheet.
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To help people before, during, and after disasters.