CISA Releases New Resources on Cold Storage Safety and Security

Critical Infrastructure Colleagues and Partners,

Supply chain disruptions, order integrity issues, and monitoring integrity can all have a negative impact on the ability for the U.S. to efficiently and effectively distribute critical COVID-19 vaccines.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is working with partners to assist in the potential mitigation of these threats. We are releasing new resources to prepare for distribution of the coronavirus vaccine. These documents provide critical information to partners who protect the security and integrity of facilities that will receive, house, and distribute COVID-19 vaccines.

The resources are titled:

The Cold Storage Cyber Custodial Care document provides recommendations that owners and operators of cold storage facilities can use to prepare for attacks targeting the cold chain, remain vigilant to alerts and activity in this space, have contingency plans in place, and know who to contact for help.

The Critical Questions and Considerations for Cold Chain Storage, and Dry Ice Operations document contains critical questions and considerations that may inform and assist in further reducing risk to lifesaving COVID-19 efforts.

The Physical security for Cold Storage Locations document provides a physical security checklist for private sector entities, cold storage facility owners/operators, and state/local government officials who will participate in the handling and distribution of COVID-19 vaccine related materials (i.e., kits, PPE). The checklist is designed as a guide to trigger self-evaluation and self-assessment of your defensive posture. All sections of the checklist may not apply to all stakeholders; focus on areas that are applicable to your operations.

The Primer on Safe and Efficient Handling of Dry Ice document provides guidelines and assumptions to protect anyone who is handling dry ice.

These resources are available at

Thank you for your time and attention,

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Defend Today. Secure Tomorrow.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency