CEIR Quarterly Newsletter

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I hope you and your loved ones are safe and staying healthy during this uncertain time. While it is easy to dwell on the negative impact of COVID-19 on our lives, I want you to think about what positive actions you have taken professionally and personally. It may be as simple as having a Zoom happy hour with your team. This is a time to build and maintain trust with our community.

CEIR has been closely following and calculating the impact of COVID-19 on the B2B exhibitons industry. The team continually tracks all show cancellations and postponements. CEIR Economist, Allen Shaw, Ph.D. reported in a recent CEIR blog post that the U.S. economy is projected to lose $22 billion because of COVID-19’s impact on B2B exhibitions. CEIR will be releasing a webinar next week with an update from Dr. Shaw, so be sure to tune in.

Now more than ever, it’s important to submit your show’s data to the Event Performance Analyzer to show a clearer picture of COVID-19’s effect on B2B exhibitions. The data submitted will be used for the 2020 CEIR Index, which has been postponed to September, just prior to Predict.

As I sit here working from home, I miss seeing my industry friends and colleagues face-to-face. Luckily, Predict is scheduled to go on as planned, and I look forward to seeing you all on 21-22 September. The program is updated online for you to see what we have in store for you.

Our industry has taken a hit, but CEIR is here to help. We will get through this…together.

Take care and stay safe,
Carrie Ferenac
President, Convention News Television (CNTV)
2020 Chairperson of the Board


Video from Cathy Breden\ 604x339

Dealing with the Unexpected and What to Expect Next

Although we are living through a time of uncertainty and fear, Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM shares how she is dealing with this unprecedented time and the opportunities that will arise for the B2B exhibitions industry once we recover. Read her article here.


CEIR will be holding a webinar, “Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis Landscape,” which will show results of CEIR’s new COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Survey, the latest update from CEIR’s Economist on the state of the U.S. economy and what to watch for.


  • Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Vice President of Research, CEIR
  • Allen Shaw, Ph.D., Founder, President & Chief Economist, Global Economic Consulting Associates Inc
  • Jennifer Heinold, CEM, Senior Vice President, Events, Access Intelligence, LLC

No registration required. This webinar will be pre-recorded and made available to all industry professionals on the afternoon of 22 April on the CEIR Webinars page .

If you have any specific questions that you want the presenters to answer during the pre-recorded webinar, relevant to the topic, please submit your question(s) to Stacy Riddler no later than Tuesday, 21 April at 2:00 p.m. CST.


COVID-19 Outlook: An Economist’s Perspective

With event cancellations and postponements, CEIR estimates the total loss to the U.S. economy to be $14 billion to $22 billion. However, since this is a transitory event, we expect a full recovery for the exhibitions industry in 2021.

A Note on Monitoring Total and New COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in the United States

The U.S. has surpassed mainland China in the number of total confirmed cases. Total confirmed cases will not reach a plateau in the U.S. until late April at the earliest.


CEIR subscribers and IAEE members have access to reports for download at no cost. The following reports were recently released:


COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the B2B exhibitions industry, but what does this mean for the future of our industry? Sam Potolicchio, Ph.D. will be at CEIR Predict on 21-22 September sharing his insights on the issues that can impact the exhibitions industry – for better or worse – in his session, Geopolitical Landscape.

Visit the Predict site for speaker bios and program updates.


Bob Dallmeyer Education Fund

The Bob Dallmeyer Education Fund Task Force is committed to recognizing deserving individuals by providing funding for them to further their professional growth in the exhibitions and events industry. Funds may be awarded for the following programs, and there is no stated limit to the amount that can be requested or granted.

  • Education sessions at industry events: Funding for speakers that are consistent with the mission of the Bob Dallmeyer Education Fund.
  • CEM Learning Program: Candidates enrolled in the CEM program (must have a minimum of three years’ industry experience).
  • Supporting activities that are consistent with the mission of the Bob Dallmeyer Education Fund.

All applications, including required attachments, must be received by 1 July.